Free CBT technique-Challenging unhelpful thoughts

Challenging unhelpful thoughts is an effective and useful Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) technique offered as a tool in therapeutical work. By challenging unhelpful thoughts we do not  simply think positively about a negative situation, but we work on learning how to recognise and challenge those thoughts by examining evidence for and against them. The aim …

Anxiety vs Panic attack

Anxiety is a perfectly normal reaction to danger, triggered when you feel under pressure, experiencing a threat or facing a challenging situation. Anxiety as a reaction to the above is a useful reaction, as it can help you stay focused, alert, and motivate you to solve problems. However, constant anxiety which feels overwhelming and stops …

Emergency support

  If you find yourself needing some emergency support and not sure where to reach out, here are some useful details of organisations providing mental health support:   EMERGENCY SERVICES-Call 999 -open 24/7 NHS 111-Call 111 -open 24/7 SHOUT -text SHOUT TO 85258 SAMARITANS-Call 116 123 -open 24/7 CHILDLINE -Support for children, up to their …

Know your worth!

For as long as I remember, I have been a “Yes” person. You know me well, dear reader; I am the one with my hand up, going “Pick me, pick me!” whilst shacking it so vividly I can almost feel it coming out of my shoulder cap. I have always done more, agreed to more, …